"Green IT" has arrived in the translation industry have now jumped after some time all the major hardware and software vendors as part of the "Green IT" train, well, other sectors come up with this idea. For example, translation companies as the
Interserv AG . For a long time Interserv provides customers with a so-called "
Translation Memory" to. The technique is not new, is used by translators busy, but rarely offered to the customers (directly). Using a translation memory can be larger when translating texts or several similar texts massive money to be saved. In a translation memory, all previous translations stored and the translator must translate at similar rates is not as much. It saves time and money. Many translators use this technology for themselves, but charge the customer the full price. Companies like AG Interserv track a different strategy. Each client receives his individual translation memory. All documents are translated with this. This keeps the language consistent, terms are always translated the same, etc. The customer must pay a premium for the setup and use of translation memories, but this has a massively smaller scale rows. Fewer lines means less work and thus lower prices. Of course, this is worth it only if the material to be translated contains a certain number of repetitions.
The whole thing could be seen as
recycling of translations, which is perfectly integrated into the "Green IT" wave. The less needs to be translated, the more many computers and servers are less loaded and followed by energy savings. Even if a few kilowatts per year financially are of no consequence, but they help the overall energy consumption to reduce a little.
translation memory do translations not only cheaper but also help (with a little imagination), even the environment. Too bad the technology is no longer used. It would benefit all.